A Head's Tale - VHS Video

The summer of 2002 was a pinnacle point for "head culture". Phish had been on hiatus for 2 years, Phil Lesh and Friends were revived, and continuing the live tradition of the Grateful Dead, and the largest Jamband festival in history took place successfully in Tennessee, attracting over 100,000 kids, and avoiding almost all media radars. Independent Canadian filmmaker, Greg Hemmings puts his thumb out and hitches to the festival lots from the Southern states, to the Rockies, to the East coast of Canada armed with his DV camera, capturing the Spirit of the people and the music that makes this unique subculture tick.

Live performances by:

Grand Theft Bus
The Jimmy Swift Band
Adam Klipple & Drive-by Leslie
The Slip
Mark Wilson & The Way It Is

Plus extra soundtrack from:

The Aaron Macdonald Band
Big Fish Eat Little Fish
The Slip
Love Bug Tribe
Diesel Dog

"A Head's Tale makes it evident that people from all walks of life gather at these festivals, each to experience on common thing." -Kyle Cunjak (The Argosy)

"... A Head's Tale is the product of that passion, and showcases the music and people who share his Greg's vision of what music can do for your soul." -Nina Chiarelli (The New Brunswick Reader)

"It reminds me of the way if felt for that first time and still feel when i am immersed in "the scene" Music is the catalyst, but the people make it work. Bravo!" -Shane Shapiro (Revolving Door)

"...after watching a Head's Tale and seeing just how absolutely freaking fantastic that experience can be - you can bet I'll be heading out to witness and experience the festival scene too! See y'all this summer!" -Mr. Fantasy (jambands.ca Community member)

"...the best JAMBANDS documentary ever. I've watched it 10 times so far." -Graham Pearson (jamhub.ca)