Ted Sirota's Rebel Souls - Breeding Resistance CD

The Berklee-trained Sirota brings together jazz, afrobeat, blues, reggae, and R&B on this release! Featuring Chicago luminaries all around, this album breathes fire with politically charged afrobeat rhythms driving the musicians to create danceable, thought-provoking songs. The album mashes the Chicago school of jazz with far-flung elements of world music, as elegant musicianship is bolstered by a heartbeat of rebellious rhythm.

"This CD is dedicated to the spirit of resistance and stuggle against oppression. Although often dismissed and glossed over as mere entertainment, Jazz and Blues music are rooted in the struggle against oppression and the forces of reaction. My intention is to let our music be a shot in the battle to defeat those who continually try to lure us back to the dark ages." - Ted Sirota

Ted Sirota - drums
Jeff Parker (Tortoise) - guitar
Jeb Bishop - trombone
Geof Bradfield - saxes
Clark Sommers - bass

1. Saro-Wiwa 9:33 mp3 sample
2. Chairman Fred (I Wish Fred Hampton Was Here) 7:23 mp3 sample
3. Knife 7:23 mp3 sample
4. For Martyrs 3:03 mp3 sample
5. This Is A Takeover 6:09 mp3 sample
6. Elegy 4:01 mp3 sample
7. Breeding Resistance (AKA Paper Tiger Blues) 5:02 mp3 sample
8. Huntsville, TX 3:11 mp3 sample
9. D.C. 6:13
10. Axe 6:19
11. Pablo 7:14

Released 2004